Friday, May 02, 2008

Fly on the wall

Ever hear someone say they are just a "fly on the window of life?" I guess it's a way to say that you're just one small person, and that you can't change everything, even though you might really want to.

I've felt that way sometimes. I'm guess most of the readers of this blog have. Whether it's a personal event that makes you feel unimportant, work, financial stress, we all have these moments.

I have a different outlook on life than post people, or at least, I like to think I do. I have, at least since a certain event in my life, lived my live like I have a chip on my shoulder. I feel as though I have to prove my worthiness to those around me.

This may seem a little dramatic. I'll put it like this. I work my hardest at almost everything I do. Whether or not there is a reward directly given to me. I was brought up the son of a factory worker, grandson of a farmer, and I guess that hard work just runs in the family. I treat people with the respect that I would want from them. I laugh and joke with people the same way I would want them to laugh and joke with me.

Anyways, I guess I've gotten a bit off topic. You're probably wondering where the fly picture came from. I was testing out my new Nikon D40 digital SLR camera I recently purchased. I found this fly while outside enjoying the sun on the wall of my patio. I'm guessing he or she was doing the same. I was impressed with the detail in the picture, and the overall quality, so I figured I would share it with you.

Afterall, even if you are just a fly on the window of life, you should still take the time to admire your surroundings.

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