Today was a pretty busy day for me. I set the alarm for seven after getting home around three thirty a.m. after playing FIFA World Cup with the guys from my old job. My old Job, which sounds weird to me, but it is true. I am no longer employed there. After five and a half years I decided to hang up my viewfinder, including the electrical tape holding it on the camera, for one an hour south in a much bigger market.
The hardest thing for me to get used to is the pace of the new job. I love it to death, but I am often forced to spend six hours of my eight hour shift on the road, finding the news that the people want to see. Or at least, that my bosses want the people to see. I am not complaining. I don’t mind spending my time on the road. It’s a good chance for me to get to know my way around my new habitat. It’s just tough for me to get used to.
Now back to today. I woke up at seven a.m. to say my goodbye to my mother, who was leaving for work. I immediately set the snooze button, and headed off to dream land for what seemed like an eternity. I woke up promptly at eleven in the morning and began to start the packing process. After all, it was one of the reasons I was back in town. After cramming all the food that mom had left out for me to take back, I shoved my large bookcase into the back seat of the Grand Prix. I grabbed my pillow and headed back on the road around one o’clock in the afternoon.
It was a pretty easy drive. I got back to the apartment in Huber Heights around 2:30, and unpacked the smaller items first. While I removed the bookcase from the backseat, I somehow managed to scrape the padded interior of my rear passenger side door. The damage is not too major, but any damage is enough to upset me. I carried the bookcase upstairs to my room, and began assembling my hat collection so I could have more shelf space in my closet.
After unpacking, I sat around and watched WWE Raw with the roomie. Degeneration X has made a return, and I actually enjoyed watching wrestling for the first time in awhile. We played some FIFA World Cup, where he beat me 2-0, and then I took a shower and called my other friend for directions to a rendezvous point for the Reds game.
After a car ride down to the Queen City of Cincinnati, the game began. Inter-league play between the Kansas City Royals and the Reds. After a long battle, and some terrible pitching, the Reds ended up with a 9-8 loss. There was some crazy Milwaukee fan in the row above us who was in Cincinnati for vacation, and had no interest in either of the two teams except to watch a baseball game. On a positive note, I did get to witness Reds Centerfielder Ken Griffey Jr. hit career home run 550. It was quite a sight, and I’m glad he has reached that milestone while in a Reds uniform.
After getting back into Dayton I went to a Super Wal-Mart to do some shopping. I needed the essentials that my roomie doesn’t eat, such as butter, milk, peanut butter, jelly, and Captain Crunch. I also picked up a couple pairs of socks and boxers, because a man has to treat himself every once in awhile.
Well that’s about it. It’s now 1:14am on Wednesday morning, and I’m quite tired of staring at this laptop screen.